Guitars / No Guitars


Image via Wikipedia

Is it as simple as that?

Every genre that I have placed in ROCK so far has involved a guitar – that has been my “guide” for classification and has focussed the study.

I have also found a problem with Dance  / Urban due to the extensive crossover.

Perhaps I chart the path of the GUITAR in the charts, instead of a genre …

This would also then allow for modern artists like Pendulum and Prodigy (dance rock crossover) to sit within the charts.

So do I simply ask, does it have a guitar, or not?

Chart A: The Top 40 Album Charts 1999 – 2009  – Guitar or No Guitar?

Chart B: The Top 40 Album Charts 1999 – 2009  – by Genre

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  1. The Elton John/Chas and Dave question—they’re both rock of a sort, but no guitars there.

      • carolinebeavon
      • April 4th, 2011

      Funny you should mention Elton John – I’ve just been giving a go to my Guitar, No Guitar theory …

      Elton John was a sticking point … as was Savage Garden, for totally different reasons.

      Still – a pop band with a guitar are still flying the rock flag.

      Elton John tho – he’s a tricky one.

      Thanks for the comment Jon – I fear this may rumble on for days!

  2. Just had this convo with Jon. I think I classify things into guitar/no guitar by “instinct” rather than whether it actually has any guitars or not! I know what I mean by guitar, but not sure I’d be able to explain it to anyone else!

    • Vanessa
    • October 30th, 2011

    I don’t like chart A because there are two lines but only one piece of information, that is, red line is simply the contrary of blue line and vice versa.

    Secondly, the chart as no label on the y axis. I don’t know what “40” means.

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