Yahoo Pipes and the gnashing of teeth

So now I’ve decided to use the Official Chart Company archive of weekly Album charts (example page here) I now need to work out how to get all of this onto one spreadsheet.

I’ve tried several methods … Including Yahoo Pipes (my attempt here) however I’ve hit a few snags along the way!

Any assistance or advice much appreciated!


  1. Not sure this can be done with Y! Pipes easily, as it’s built to pump things out when the page changes—RSS is a bugger of a format to convert to a spreadsheet anyway. I think there’s only ScraperWiki that can do it as an online service. But…

    As it doesn’t need to be updated you could try something like Site Sucker (sorry only know mac app), which could download the whole page for each chart locally and then run some search/replace (replace with nothing) batch operations on the files (Text Wrangler will do batch operations on multiple files) to remove all the unwanted code.

    • carolinebeavon
    • April 14th, 2011

    Jon – thank you for this – I had a sneaky suspicion this was the case, but I also have very limited knowledge of Yahoo Pipes, so I didn’t want to give up too soon.

    I’m pretty befuddled by ScraperWiki – but I might give it a quick go – failing that I’ll “pay” my way out of the problem and use Outwit on Firefox.


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